

时间:2024-09-15 作者:原始人





2、When the wind is no longer chasing the clouds, when the ice is no longer turned into water, when the fire is no longer hot, when the stone is no longer hard, when there is no love in the world, I can stop loving you.




6、It is the romance that the old love is unchanged; the heart is not greedy, but the sweetness.Respecting each other is a contented place, and it is satisfying;5, 20 I love you, dear, you are the treasure of my palm, I hope you are happy and happy.

7、Because you have you, I have become full of vitality; because of you, I have changed my lifestyle; because of you, my life is more exciting! I dare not imagine what you will look like without your world.


9、Love me, give me a hand, "hold your hand, get old with you"; love me, give me the heart, "the heart is printed, without discarding"; love me, give me sadness, "wind and rain and the Communist Party, Sadness together "; 520, I love you, I want to give you all the happiness in the world, let your eyes see the eternal smile of spring!

10、Although you don't like to do housework, although you like to buy beautiful clothes, even if you are countless every day, even if you love inexplicable jealousy, there is a sentence that it is difficult to hold back, who makes you my daughter -inLove is more stable.5. 20 I love you, we must be sweet and happy in this life!

11、Send you a happy and harvest; send you a carefulness, harvest a thoughtfulness; send you a sincerity, harvest a heart.520 I love you, I want to send you a unchanged heart, gain a happy heart!


13、Find your figure, unforgettable your shadow; find your trace, keep your shadows in mind; search for you to take a photo, look forward to taking a photo with you.520 I love you, willing to hold hands with you, never break up, never let go!


15、In the vast crowd, knowing you is a kind of fate. I just want to use my sincerity to exchange for your true feelings.





20、There is no time limit for loving you, 365 days a year; love you without geographical limits, and love you forever; love you do not need to conceal, I want everyone to see the sweetness of our love.520 I love you, let our love last forever.

21、Romantic poems are only for you to read, sweet movements are only for you, moving love words only tell you, sincere love is just waiting for you, 520 I love you, I love you, I would like to create a life for youhappiness!

22、Use the rainbow to give you a portrait, which must be beautiful; use the warm wind to show you the photos, it must be happy and beautiful; use love to give you a life of sweetness, it must be very cute!520 I love you, happiness for you is my sweetness!

23、In the dusk, the dusk, the day, the moon, the moon, the moon, the rose of the season, the idiot is obviously stupid, love, hate and hate the love, sadness and love, you, you and I have snuggled forever, sweet and sweet, sweet and sweetHoney lucky happiness, you are me!
